How do I pick a Guardian for my kids?

How do I pick a Guardian for my kids?

How do I pick a Guardian for my kids?                                                                                     A quick guide for selecting a guardian for your minor children.  As a parent, thinking about a world where your kids are vulnerable and alone...
Guardianship in Ontario, Canada – Britney’s Case

Guardianship in Ontario, Canada – Britney’s Case

  Britney Spears in Ontario, Canada.                                                                                    You would be free and here is why!  If #FreeBritney has you thinking how scary it would be if the Courts were left to decide who would be...
Pick your Team Wisely

Pick your Team Wisely

  – Pick your Team Wisely –                                                                                     Make sure you have the right team behind you to protect your legacy!  You need a skilled team of advisors who are knowledgeable business...